Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 10 – What Moses Saw

When Moses asked to see the Lord, the most astounding part of the incident was that he had just been offered all the glories of earth. He chose instead, a glimpse of God.

In the 32nd chapter of Exodus, the stubborn rebellion of Israel had endured for so long that the Lord God Almighty said He would be finished with them and give their place to Moses and his sons. But Moses would not go for it! Can we imagine this?

Moses’ cry to the Lord reveals something so exceedingly marvelous that we can scarce take it in! He said that it must not be that the nations all around should think for one moment that God could not BRING IN to the land the people He had BROUGHT OUT of Egypt. He asked instead, he besought God, that He would go with them, that they should not go forth without the Lord, at all.

Look, beloved! Do we see it?

It was shortly thereafter that Moses asked, “Show me your glory!” . . . but rightly understood, this man, meekest among all men, had already seen the aspect of God that we ought all long to behold; Moses saw that God is worthy to finish what He has begun. He is worthy to make a great nation of a stubborn and stiff-necked people. God does all things well. He never fails. The most important part of His life and nature to us is, that He goes before us, and His Presence goes with us.

We can see what Moses saw, no matter how dark the days, no matter how long the night.

"Revelation 21:3"
photo by Kerry

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