Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10 – Alive From the Dead

One needn’t look far in the dialogue of Christian thought, in sermons and pamphlets and in books without number, to encounter a message on the subject of believers’ devotion. Clearly, we ought to have it!

What is not always so readily available is useable advice regarding the way to get it, to maintain it, and to see devotion become the power of God in our lives.

If we do wish to see the power of God displayed on behalf of a lost and hurting world, then, well-begun is half done! The other “half,” however, which turns out to be the whole of the monastic life, is the practicum, the daily walking out of those habits and responses that will always tend toward the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Today we begin, and today we may see the difference that it makes when we begin well. We begin where Jesus began when He consented to come into this world, to be born into humanity and to die as a man, bearing the sins of humanity in His sinless Person. We begin with humility, as He did . . .

And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:8)

The men and women who will humble themselves this day will be more like Jesus Christ tonight, and they will have power when the power of God is that alone which converts life as we know it into life as it is meant to be.

The first easy step is to pray, “Even if I should die as Jesus died, I will live as Jesus lived.” Then, we may comfort ourselves that it is more expedient in the Kingdom of God that most of us live, but either way, our choice has been made. After that, we soberly recognize that living is the more difficult outcome. It is better for us to go on to be with the Lord, but it is better for the world around us that we live, and live as those alive from the dead.

Having made that choice, having prayed that commitment, try today to see if you can step on the bus, get into your car, turn on your computer at work, answer the phone, feed your babies, come home to your spouse and family, as one alive from the dead, completely insufficient for any task but to see God glorified in your genuine humility. How sweet it is to know that we have not all the answers nor any of the power we need to see a day end well. We do, however, have faith in God, and He has left us alive for His good purpose.

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