Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 24 – Does “Joyful” = “Happy”?

We hear parents say, “I just want my children to be happy; that’s all that matters to me.”

This would indicate that the words “happy” and “joyful” are not perfectly synonymous and interchangeable. When have you ever heard the other expression: “I just want my children to be joyful!”

The Abbess does want her children to be joyful! To be FULL OF JOY! Certainly, we may not be “happy” with things as they are at certain points, and sometimes that will indicate that there are things that must change, if we can change them, or must be born if we cannot.

Joy is an amazing entity. We can have joy. No one can take our joy. We can choose joy. We can always rejoice.

What a stupendous reality that is! Our joy cannot be pilfered or plundered, because we find joy in our relationship to a loving Father, and He loves us ever. We find joy in our obedience to Him, as we have seen in John’s gospel, and we may always obey. We may always love one another. When we make sure our treasures are laid up in heaven, bounteous joy will yield a bountiful and unfailing increase.

Let the cloister of our souls ring with joy today, here in the monastery of the heart!

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