Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11 – The Sign on the Door

We read them everywhere . . . “No Soliciting” . . . “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service” . . . “Cashier Has Less Than $25.00 in Cash” . . . The sign on the door to our Kingdom reads . . . “Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit.”

The flag stones leading up the walkway to Cor Unum might read . . . RIGHTEOUSNESS . . . PEACE . . . JOY . . . PEACE . . . RIGHTEOUSNESS . . . JOY . . . PEACE . . . JOY . . . RIGHTEOUSNESS . . . and we might see a pattern in the outlay.

No righteousness, no peace. No joy, no righteousness. No peace, no joy. All of that can be turned inside out as well . . . as we mean to do over the next weeks. The year is reaching the perfection of maturity, and so should we be ripe with the display of Spirit and Truth, of Fruit and Gifts, of righteousness . . . peace . . . and joy.

Oh to be . . . fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and more years old, and not “filled” with the disappointments we’ve endured, the slights we’ve sloughed off, the heartaches we have lived through . . . but with righteousness of faith, peace that passes understanding (which is much more than mere endurance,) and joy unspeakable and full of glory, because, we are THAT MUCH closer to the death that is, for us, great gain.

Oh to be . . . crowned at twenty, thirty, forty, fifty with the unwavering, undying assurance that we will see our Sovereign face to face . . . and be like Him, because of all the disappointments and slights and heartaches of life have given us reason to remain and find our refuge in our “First Love.”

"Paved Pathway"
photo by Kerry

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