Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 19 – Love Reciprocals!

We saw yesterday that we are here together in Cor Unum, in the Body of Christ, the gift of Jesus Christ to the deepest joy of His Father’s heart. We read John 17, and we hear . . . we feel! . . . the depth of fulfillment the Son knew in bringing to pass the pleasure of His Father.

We saw that God loves us . . . as he loves His Son! (John 17:23)

We see, too, that Jesus loves us with the love with which God loves Him.! (John 15:9)

Beyond even this, we are left upon this earth to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34.) That, by the way, and of course, is to the laying down of our lives, as we have noted before in Cor Unum.

In that reciprocation of love is the grand panoply of the mystery and the majesty of the love of God, because Jesus made absolutely clear that we are privileged to love the Father, too. With all our heart, soul, mind and strength, just as Jesus loved Him, we shall love our Father. (1 Corinthians 8:3 and John 17:3.)

Why would we come to Cor Unum? Why would we invest our days in little adventures and big expenses, so often unseen, so patently unimpressive but to the Spirit of God?

Why? Because we left lesser things, the praise of men and the love of the world, outside the door in order to glory in God alone, the God Who loves us, and gave His Only Begotten Son that we shall not perish but have everlasting life.

"I Will Walk Within My House in the Integrity of My Heart"
Psalm 101:2
Photo by Kerry

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