Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8 – Is It Presumption?

Do we have the good sense that God gave a goose?

They don’t seem very wise, “gaggling” around, following after tidbits, squawking and honking on the lake shore, but once they are airborne, they come into their own.

When we “mount up with wings as eagles,” we believe that we will run and not be weary . . . we will walk in the fullness of our calling, and we will not faint.

Is it presumptuous of us to make a “royal” comparison? Do we compare better with geese than greatness? Without the glittering crowns, the royal ribbons and badges of State, without the coronation ceremony and the ministers bowing down and the throne and the red boxes, are we more a gaggle than a court?

The Abbess says, No! Let’s look again at yesterday’s Scripture verse.

If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. (James 2:8, ESV)
There is a royal law, beloved brothers and sisters. No decree ever passed by Parliament and sanctioned by Elizabeth, no earthly ceremony, no crowning, no dominion or responsibility will ever surpass it. We neglect, at our peril, and at the peril of others, the “crown” that has come to us. We will look again tomorrow at the royal diadem that should adorn our brow.

"Stand Forth and State Your Business"
photo by Ashley

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