Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5 – Here, By Invitation

We have our “cells,” the place . . . and the time . . . when we are closed in with the Lord. For some, the day is wide open and the choice is broad; for most. something must be sacrificed. Here in Cor Unum, we make it a happy sacrifice.

Those who have turned back to dust in the earth, who watch from heaven, see and know. What price, what sacrifice could compare with the glory and the joy and the majesty and the peace and the good and the wisdom and the strength and the fellowship of an hour alone with God! They know. Nothing compares. The investment of time, relaxation, and pleasure are scarcely worthy to be called “sacrifice.” The sacrifice is seated upon the Throne of Grace, and the Altar of Mercy is there.

When we say we believe and call ourselves believers, what could ever better represent our believing than this, that knowing Who God Is, we seek His Presence at His invitation? Not that anyone on earth should see and give us praise, but those in heaven, who are with the Lord in Paradise, do watch. Monks and nuns all over the world keep this awareness in Saint’s Days and celebration. They do often wish that denominational others would not suspect them of "worshiping" saints. It is not a bad thing to remember that those who have gone before us are not dead, but ALIVE and robed in the majesty and glory of the Lord and His Presence! It appears that those who have gone before us may be watching our faithfulness and so may also behold our hypocrisy, that we say believe, yet hardly treat God as a good friend, much less as God.

We believe, we believe! . . . in a glorious and approachable God, by whose will we live and move and have our being . . . in a God Who loved us to the degree of the sacrifice of His Son for our lives . . . our God has welcomed us and called us into His Presence, into the glory of His vaulted heavenly chamber, where the Lord Jesus Christ sits at His right hand. We read of those invited to the wedding feast who would not come; we are invited into the very throne room of God, and we in Cor Unum will come, and we will stay to worship and pray, here in the monastery of the heart.

"Come, Worship the Lord!"
Abbatial Photo

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