Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 23 - Bona Fide Caring

We are working our way through a laundry list of the Lord’s lovely, levelheaded, logical legislations.

For modern, mobile monastics.

Today’s instruction from verse 11 is . . . “(be) fervent in spirit.” Well, that’s simple enough. We are all nearly always being fervent about SOMETHING!

Of course, our fervor often showcases our favorite television show, our new dress, new car, the latest news, the weather, something gone wrong, something that turned out right . . . our new favorite eatery! . . .

. . . but . . . “fervent in spirit” . . . what does that mean? Really?

The word “fervent” means “heated to boiling.” How does that work among those who are to “let their moderation be known to all; the Lord is at hand?” (Philippians 4:5) We have met some of those “fervent” Christians who cannot go out for a quart of milk without turning it into a fervent spiritual activity.

Maybe this will help. If our spirits are “fervent,” and others are not engaged . . . or even repulsed . . . perhaps the fervency of our spirits could best display the truth of God if we will

1) Love Him enough to listen and obey all that He says, and
2) Diligently prefer and honoring others.

Here in Cor Unum, "fervent in spirit" can never mean "drama queen," or "spiritual diva." It cannot indicate, "Look! I'm on the fast track toward charismatic success."

Perhaps “fervent in spirit” could be accurately translated . . . “bona fide caring,” with "humble, ready obedience."

"Agnes Bojaxhiu . . . Mother Theresa"

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