Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8 – We Shine

In his book, The Final Quest, Rick Joyner imparts the vision of a road weary man, clothed in an old cape, trudging along between two columns of brilliant, dazzling angelic beings which bow down in deepest honor before him as he makes his way.

Who is this bent and humble person, and how is it that he may illicit such respect from such glorious creatures?

The man is but a lowly Christian, putting one foot in front of the other, making his way without ceremony, without congratulation, without perfection, and without justification, other than that which the eye cannot see, nor the ear hear.

Joyner portrays a reckoning in celestial places which indicates that neither has it entered into the heart of man to estimate himself the way that he is estimated in the halls of heaven, nor can he see the garb of his holiness and his separation unto God by faith as quite . . . or even in minute part . . . the glory that it is.

So we consider in Cor Unum today, what of the glory of which Jesus spoke? In His breathtaking High Priestly prayer, He asked that those who would believe in Him should also share His glory. He asked that they be sanctified, and that by nothing less than His own Presence. If He will shine, so shall they.

Monastics, often clothed in drab habits, unadorned, wear them in the glory of devotion to Jesus Christ, and even as they dress themselves they remember that the glory they seek is to be “clothed with Christ,” and that glory is glorious to them. Why should not the business suit or the jeans and t-shirt or the household jumper be the investiture of the soul that will walk humbly . . . and do exploits?

The greatest triumph of all is to love God with the whole heart and soul and mind and strength, and that resplendent glory is for all who reside in Cor Unum this day.

"Night-Blooming Cereus"
painting by Betty
photo by Kery

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