Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 28 – Confucius’ Golden Rule

We will come back to Sister Thèrése from time to time in Cor Unum. She has much to teach us. She was a nun because she was Catholic and because the monastic way of life was highly prized in her family and because her sisters were nuns . . . and because that is the calling to which she dedicated her life. However, she was the nun we have come to know, whose little journal entries have come down to us, because she gave herself to the yoke of the Lord Jesus Christ, the yoke of His love.

She was not always a monastic celebrity. One of her sister nuns at the Lisieux Carmel made the observation that she could not see what all the fuss was about Thèrése. By the time of her death, her “Little Way,” which bespoke a way of hard choices, humility, misunderstood motives, and loneliness, had begun to glisten and gleam a light of truth into the monastery. The flame had not caught in every lamp, but when love is the genuine article, it cannot be concealed for long.

We can only imagine that Thèrése might have laughed at the Sister’s observation and said she didn’t understand the fuss either, that the way of love which exemplifies the way God has loved us is only the most sensible and normal pattern of life to be found.

It is said that Confucius had his own version of the Golden Rule: Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

The difference between his words and the words of Jesus Christ are the difference between being yoked to love and yoked to fatality and isolationism. We in Cor Unum will choose love, with all its tendency to ruin our plans and humble our stature and leave us standing all by ourselves.

Then we will look around and remember that in Cor Unum, we are in the best of company!

"There's Still Time"
photo by Kerry

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