Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 11 – A Banquet of Silence

There are those on earth today who can fill themselves with work and those who can fill themselves with play.

Some can and do fill themselves with dangerous things and some even fill their lives and their souls with laziness and minutes ticking by, unused, unappreciated, and sometimes even unwanted.

Some on earth have neither work nor food enough, without strength enough to play and too hungry to recline in the arms of lethargy.

All the while, there is a chair set at the table of God’s fullness. There is a place card on that table for each of those who need a more balanced diet of worship and work, of play and prayer, as well as for those who need to exchange dangerous fullness for the divine.

Even those who look to the east and west and see nothing but lack on either horizon, may look up into the face of God and feed upon His nearness.

The Word of God says that the Good Shepherd leads His sheep to pasture, and that the righteous are not forsaken, nor must their children beg for their bread.

So often in this hour, it is not the devastation of hunger, but the desolation of fullness without God that destroys men.

Here in Cor Unum, may we choose to consume five minutes . . .
or ten . . . or two minutes several times today . . . and work those minutes into our day continually, the way we sit down with our coffee or the newspaper or a good book or have a soak in the tub. We are the monastics of this century, and in the monastery of the heart there will always be a rule of silence that allows us to feast upon the fullness of God.

"Are We Full Yet?"
photo by Kerry

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