Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 25 - Corrie’s “Lectio”

While very few of us will ever take such pronounced steps toward newness of purpose as does the new postulant who seeks an enclosed life at the abbey door, there are not a few of us who respect such vision and share it.

How Corrie and her sister Betsie must have thanked God for the spiritual training they had received at home! They remembered those sweet and privileged years as they walked together in the cold and dark morning to stand in ranks for roll call at Ravensbruck.

There was Papa’s gentle, generous, well-disciplined life, with several daily episodes of private and family prayer and Bible-reading, as well as a keen interest in Bible discourse and study. Tante Jans lived with the family and kept up a steady stream of evangelical writings. Brother Willem was a pastor and spoke whenever he could to warn against the impending dangers of the rising German Reich. Tante Anna was the “extern sister,” always busy in the kitchen or looking after the house.

“Discipline,” as we think of it today in terms of crime and punishment, was probably somewhat lacking, but training in kindness and faithfulness and the well-ordering of life were stringent.

Corrie’s life and the martyrdom of so many of her family members, is a testimony to the effect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that was lived inside that narrow little house on the Bartiljoristraat.

Corrie was faithful to remind those with whom she spoke that the Bible is God’s love letter to us, and that He is glad to help us perfectly understand it. Begin with prayer, she recommended, and then she suggested keeping track of the following, day by day . . .

• what was the most beautiful passage, and why?
• was there a warning within the text?
• was there a promise to believe?, and finally,
• did a prayer arise within while reading?

This would be a “Lectio” practice that could train us very well in Cor Unum. It would never grow old, even after we do!

Better still, it might help us remain as young at heart and strong in the work of the Lord as was “Sister” Corrie ten Boom.

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